Who Am I?


Who am I?
How can such a simple question be so daunting? It is difficult to sum up my entire personality and values in one blog post. But here I go!

First and foremost, I have my faith. I am a Christian and I love God with my entire being. Spreading his love and kindness wherever I go is something I do on a daily basis. Often we are not aware of what others endure on a day to day basis, therefore I show kindness to everyone I meet in hopes that I can be a blessing to them.

I aim to be positive in every aspect of my life; I always look for the “silver lining” in every situation. In addition, when I am presented with an incident that has a negative connotation, I use it as motivation to fuel my fire. We can always turn a negative into a positive, and I don’t let bad circumstances effect me long-term.

I take pride in my work ethic. My mom always taught me to do everything to the best of my ability, and I strive to make my family proud constantly. They are my biggest supporters in life, and I am extremely grateful for them. ❤️

I bring these aspects of myself to campus everyday, and, ultimately they shape who I am.


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